Thursday, 16 December 2010

Report from our AGM

This year's Annual General Meeting for the Birch Glen Residents' Association was held on Monday, November 22 at Owenwood Public School. Although the turnout was small, the discussion was lively and the presentations were great. We were fortunate to have Councillor Pat Mullin address the group, followed by representatives from Parks and Forestry. In a nutshell, this is what we learned:
  1. The streets in our neighbourhood will be repaved in 2011, but the work will have to wait until the Region of Peel has completed work on watermains throughout the neighbourhood;
  2. Watermain work has been completed on Silver Birch Trail and on Nesdale Court;
  3. Watermain replacement is scheduled in 2011 on Kos Blvd. (east & west legs), Ithaca and Lefkas Courts, with cathodic protection added on Andros, Zante (crescent & court), and Johnson's Lane (from Lakeshore to Andros);
  4. We will be getting leaf pickup starting in Fall 2011. That means that you will be able to push your leaves to the curb for vacuum removal on scheculed days (schedule to be announced next year);
  5. A new developer has taken over the reins for the Clarkson Manor townhouse development on Lakeshore near Birchwood Park and Kentucky Hill. Details will be provided as the project proceeds;
  6. The retirement home in front of Walden Spinney will proceed under a new developer.
Additional information will be provided on our website and in our print newsletter as it becomes available.