Tuesday, 27 September 2016

REMEMBER! Open House Information Centre in Birch Glen Park TONIGHT!

just a reminder that the Information Centre open house on improvements to the playground and pathways of our very own Birch Glen park is happening tonight -- Tuesday, September 27, 6:00-7:00 p.m.  Please remember to show up and have your say.

In talking with residents about this, there seemed to be some confusion as to which of our parks is meant. We have two parks in the neighbourhood; the big one to the west that has the basketball pad is Birchwood Park and the smaller one in the middle of the neighbourhood (with the pathways, children's playground and bridge) is Birch Glen Park. We have attached a drawing of the location below.

So -- make your way to the centre of this map. It is easy to get to from anywhere in the neighbourhood. Or just follow the crowd!

We hope this clarifies the confusion. See you there tonight between 6:00 and 7:00 p.m. Drop by to view the panel boards and to speak with Councillor Karen Ras and City staff.