Thursday, 7 March 2024

Daylight Savings Time begins this weekend!


Whether you like it or not, Daylight Savings Time does begin this weekend, specifically between 2:00 - 3:00 AM on Sunday, March 10. Yes, you will lose an hour's sleep overnight -- or you can just get up an hour later than usual.

Remember to set your clocks ahead one hour either before you retire for the niight, or when you get up in the morning.

Weekly Yard Waste Pickup Resuming

 As we look forward to Spring 2024, please note that weekly collection of yard waste has now begun (as of March 4). You can use either containers or bags. If using bags, use only brown kraft paper bags, which can be purchased from any grocery store, hardware store, and other retail locations. If you wish to use a reusable container, it must be open and rigid and labled with "yard waste" stickers which are available from any Peel Community Recycling Centre or by callling 905-791-9499. A container must weigh less than 20kg. Do not use one of the wheeled bins provided by Peel for garbage, recycling or organics.

Acceptable yard waste items include:

  • leaves and grass rakings 
  • tree trimmings and branches
  • brush and hedge trimmings
  • household and garden plants (minus the soil)