We are asking you to mark your calendars for this event:
Date: Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Time: 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Place: Birch Glen Park, by the Children's Playground and Bridge
By now, you will have received a notification from the City of Mississauga Parks Department with the above date, time and place. An open house is being held here in the neighbourhood to provide information to the residents regarding upcoming improvements to our Birch Glen Park. The City has received some infrastructure funding to make improvements to our playground, pathways, bridge, retaining walls and lighting within the park.
We are not privy to all of the details, which is why we are going to attend the Open House in the park on Tuesday, September 27. We hope that everyone will make the effort to come out to see the plans and to have discussions with City staff about these improvements. This is your opportunity to have your say about what you think is appropriate for our neighbourhood!
We are extremely fortunate in this circumstance: within Ward 2, there were two playgrounds and two "trails" that were chosen to receive the infrastructure funding and our neighbourhood playground and pathways make up two of the four projects. (The other playground is in Birchwood Park by the baseball diamonds; the other trail is the Sheridan Creek Trail).
This will be a substantial improvement to the park/pathway gem we have in the centre of our neighbourhood. The current playground is nearly 20 years old; the pathways were revamped around 15 years ago; and the retaining walls are the originals built in 1978.
So, show your pride in Birch Glen and indicate your interest by coming out on September 27. You don 't have to travel far to attend -- just make your way to the children's playground by the bridge over the creek.