We have had so much rain over the past month that it appears the soil under our streets is being washed away -- to where we do not know. We are left with numerous potholes and what look like the beginnings of sinkholes throughout the neighbourhood.
You may have noticed the coloured markings around some of the holes. on some street corners, curbs and even sidewalks. That usually signals that work of some sort is about to take place. We do know that the Region of Peel is planning to begin work on the watermains throughout the neighbourhood -- continuing what they were doing on Silver Birch and on Nesdale last year. We also assume they are waiting for a break in the weather to start this work.At this point in time, we do not have a start date -- or a completion date.
What we have been told is this: when Peel Region has completed the work on the watermains, the City of Mississauga will begin paving the streets. We will keep you updated here, on the website, and in our newsletter. Meanwhile, keep the cursing to a minimum, drive around the potholes, and watch out for others both walking and driving.