Saturday, 3 November 2018

It is that time of year again to Fall Back!

Remember that Daylight Savings Time ends this weekend. Turn back your clocks one hour Saturday night before going to bed (so you have an extra hour of sleep Sunday morning).

Great News! Fall Leaf Pickup coming to Birch Glen!

Fall Leaf Pickup

During the fall, the City of Mississauga provides Vacuum Leaf Pickup service to streets that are more than 35 years old and contain many mature large trees. Streets with fewer and younger trees are not included in the program.
Addresses eligible for Leaf Pickup will receive a direct-mail notice that indicates when leaves
will be picked up in their area. 

Our neighbourhood (and surrounding area north of the Lakeshore) qualify under the GREEN Flyer Schedule, which means our leaves will be vacuumed the weeks of Nov. 5-9 and Nov. 26-30
  • Rake leaves to the edge of the grass by Sunday of the week before your scheduled vacuum leaf pickup. Do not rake leaves onto the road.
  • Do not mix items such as wood, brick or brush with the leaves as they can damage equipment or injure workers.
  • Help reduce potential flooding by keeping curbside storm drains clear of leaves.
  • Help our crews by removing cars from the street during leaf pickup.

Missed Leaf Pickup? Here are your options for disposing leaves:

The Region of Peel will also pick up leaves on your regular waste collection day until
December 13, 2018. Leaves must be placed curbside in open, reusable containers such as bushel baskets, labelled rigid plastic containers or paper yard waste bags weighing less than
20 kgs (44 lbs) when full. Do not use plastic bags or recycling boxes.
You can also compost your leaves or spread them around the base of your trees. Leaves will fertilize the soil and act as a buffer against extreme temperatures. Remember that oak leaves
are difficult to compost.


For more information on the City's Leaf Pickup program, contact 3-1-1 (or 905-615-4311 from outside the City) from Monday to Friday between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.
For more information on Region of Peel yard waste collection, call 905-791-9499 or visit their website.