Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Second Phase of Watermain Work Announced

A letter was delivered to residents on Kos Blvd. last week indicating that the Region of Peel contractors would be starting work on Kos "on or around October 31".  The pylons have been placed along the street and the street (and boulevards) have been marked with coloured paint (indicating the various utilities), so we can expect the digging to begin any day now.
       As noted in the letter, traffic along Kos may be reduced to a single lane during construction and rerouted if necessary. As well, space along the street will be needed for the various types of equipment used by the contractors during the project. They have stated that they may need to block some drivieways for a short time as they proceed around the neighbourhood. Therefore, when the contractors are working on your section of the street, it may be wise to park your car(s) somewhere else to ensure that you will be able to get in and out of the neighbourhood. This pertains to both driveways and the street. We all depend on our cars to go everywhere, so you don't want to be caught unaware or unprepared.
       Contact names and numbers were provided on the Resident Notice dated October 20.