Tuesday, 17 October 2023

Halloween in Clarkson Village 2023

Bring your children (all ages) in costume to Clarkson Village on Saturday, October 28 from 10 am to 2 pm. Stroll along Lakeshore Road West and stop by the many stores, merchants, and restaurants to sample some Halloween candy and goodies.

Fall Vacuum Leaf Pickup 2023.

It is that time of the year when autumn leaves fall from the trees and we have to find a way to get rid of them. You can "recycle" the leaves by using them as compost and mulch to cover your flower beds for the winter. Or you could rake them up and place them at the curb for vacuum pickup by the City. If you choose this latter option, our neighbourhood is included in the GREEN ROUTE. This involves pickup during two separate weeks in November -- Nov.6-10 and Nov.27-Dec.1, 2023. If you miss those dates, place leaves in yard waste bags for pickup on our regular waste pickup days (Monday). Please follow the steps outlined in the accompanying image. It is very important to move parked cars off the street and to keep the area free to allow the vacuum trucks access to the boulevard.

This will be the fifth year that we have had vacuum leaf pickup. For additional information, consult the post we made on November 3, 2018