Monday, 6 November 2023

What Type of Fireworks Dislays Are Permitted in Mississauga?

Over the past year, Mississauga City Council has been debating when and where private and public fireworks display can and should be permitted within the City. This is a touchy subject because fireworks have become such an integral part of celebrating holidays such as Canada Day and Victoria Day in Canada. Also many people who come to Canada from other countries have holidays unique to their countries and cultures which involve setting off fireworks. City Council has taken these into consideration and has consulted with group representatives and industry experts to craft a by-law that can be applied and enacted across the City and its residents.

The Fireworks By-law regulates the sale and use of fireworks in Mississauga. Fireworks in Mississauga are currently permitted on private property until midnight on Victoria Day, Canada Day, Lunar New Year and Diwali. Fireworks are not permitted on a public street, park or road without a permit.

Frequently asked questions
  • When are fireworks permitted?
    • Fireworks on private property may be used without a permit only on Lunar New Year, Victoria Day, Canada Day and Diwali. Fireworks are currently permitted until midnight and only for the holiday, not the days before or after.
    • To use fireworks on private property any other day of the year, residents must obtain a permit from Mississauga Fire and Emergency Services.
  • What kinds of fireworks are permitted?
    • “F1” Family Class (low-hazard fireworks) are permitted on designated fireworks holidays without a permit. Members of the general public are not permitted to buy professional-grade fireworks.
  • Where are fireworks permitted?
    • Fireworks are permitted on private property that you own/occupy or the property of someone else with their consent. 
    • Residents are not allowed to set off fireworks in a street, public property such as a park or any private property that is not their own.

Saturday, 28 October 2023

Dangers of Fake Spider Webs as Halloween Decorations

Many homeowners have already begun to decorate their homes and yards for Halloween. This is  just a note of caution to consider all forms of wildlife that may inhabit or visit your yard while you are preparing to decorate.

Every year, birds from the size of hummingbirds to owls become entangled in seemingly harmless decorations. Fake spider webs can also be detrimental to small mammals such as chipmunks and squirrels. Even the insects that play a crucial role in keeping our ecosystem healthy can be affected.

Often, if wildlife is not injured when they first enter the fake web, they almost always sustain injuries while attempting to free themselves from the sticky material. So, for this Spooky Season (and future ones), ditch the fake webs to help keep the birds, insects, and other critters safe from harm.

NOTE: Many of us, including this writer, have been guilty of using the fake webs to help create a spooky atmosphere. Mine have now been consigned to the garbage pail. We hope yours have as well.

Have a safe and happy Halloween. Small children should always be accompanied by an adult, 

Yard Waste Collection

Our yard waste will be collected weekly until the beginning of December. Our final day for yard waste pickup in 2023 will be on Monday, December 4

Acceptable yard waste items

  • Leaves and yard rakings with debris
  • Tree trimmings, branches
  • Brush, hedge trimmings
  • Household and garden plants
    • Please remove excess soil from roots before disposal
  • Halloween pumpkins (without the candle).

Remember that yard waste should be in either paper yard waste bags or an open container (e.g. an old garbage can). For further information on using bins and containers for yard waste, go to

Tuesday, 17 October 2023

Halloween in Clarkson Village 2023

Bring your children (all ages) in costume to Clarkson Village on Saturday, October 28 from 10 am to 2 pm. Stroll along Lakeshore Road West and stop by the many stores, merchants, and restaurants to sample some Halloween candy and goodies.

Fall Vacuum Leaf Pickup 2023.

It is that time of the year when autumn leaves fall from the trees and we have to find a way to get rid of them. You can "recycle" the leaves by using them as compost and mulch to cover your flower beds for the winter. Or you could rake them up and place them at the curb for vacuum pickup by the City. If you choose this latter option, our neighbourhood is included in the GREEN ROUTE. This involves pickup during two separate weeks in November -- Nov.6-10 and Nov.27-Dec.1, 2023. If you miss those dates, place leaves in yard waste bags for pickup on our regular waste pickup days (Monday). Please follow the steps outlined in the accompanying image. It is very important to move parked cars off the street and to keep the area free to allow the vacuum trucks access to the boulevard.

This will be the fifth year that we have had vacuum leaf pickup. For additional information, consult the post we made on November 3, 2018