Sunday, 4 November 2012

Invalid Phone Cards from Local Convenience Store

A resident reported that a phone card purchased from the local convenience store on Johnsons Lane was already expired prior to the purchase. Although this seems hard to believe, it is true.
         When the resident attempted to return the card to the convenience store for a refund, the proprietor refused to refund the price or replace the card. This, even though it was done on the same day as the purchase, within half an hour of purchase! He did not offer any explanation for the problem, not did he make any effort to rectify it. The resident telephoned the card provider, Maximum, to file a complaint and to see if they could do anything to solve the problem. The company was able to determine that the particular card had expired in 2005 -- that is seven (7) years ago!!! To help the resident, Maximum agreed to provide a new PIN so that the card could be used. They may not have been required to do so, but it does show good customer relations.They also are following up with the store to determine why this happened.
          Meanwhile ... Advice from Maximum to all residents of Birch Glen, and any other person who shops at the Johnsons Lane convenience store is:
  • DO NOT purchase any pre-paid phone cards from this convenience store;
  • Be aware that stores of this sort often buy product from other stores that are going out of business, and that some of this product may already be expired or past its "best buy" date;
  • Also realize that smaller stores may not have a return policy -- buyer beware.
Has anyone else had this same concern with phone cards purchased from the convenience store? Have there been problems with other expired products? Please let us know by commenting on this post. Let us and other residents know.

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Street grinding to start

The City will start grinding the old pavement/asphalt early next week, either on Monday, Sept. 17 or Tuesday,Sept. 18. This is the removal of the top surface in preparation for re-paving.

Please make sure to move your cars off the roads by 7 a.m., otherwise they will be towed awy.

Sunday, 22 July 2012

New curbs for Birch Glen

The first stage of work on new curbs for the neighbourhood has begun with trenches dug along the south side of Andros Blvd. and on Zante Cres.  Markings and cuts have been done on one side of each of the other streets in the neighbourhood, which means that the old curbs will soon be removed and new curbs installed. Work is being done first on one side of each street; when that side is completed, work will begin on the other side.

We have been informed that the work will progress in stages:
  • curbs will be replaced first
  • boulevard sections of driveways will be done next
  • repaving of streets will be done last
Information on driveway reconstruction will follow in a separate posting.

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Yard Waste Pick-up Schedule for Summer 2012

  • July 17 & 31
  • August 14 & 28
  • September 11 & 25

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Fence By-law

On a walk through the neighbourhood, it has been noted that there a few front yard fences that are both too tall and are built of "closed or solid type construction", both features which do not comply with the existing City of Mississauga Fence By-law 349-83. We are not going to point fingers, but you will know who you are (or if it is your neighbour) simply by looking at the construction of the fence in your front yard.

To help out, we have added a PDF reference to the Fence By-law on the Resources page of the neighbourhood website ( The By-law is too long and comprehensive to quote verbatim in this post, so we have tried to put the relevant section in plain English.

The section regarding front yard fences is Section 6 on page 4 of the by-law. It states, plainly that:
  • A front yard fence of solid type construction cannot be taller than 1 metre (39 inches) above effective ground level;
  • A front yard fence of open type construction can be up to 1.5 metres (59 inches) above effective ground level
  • The fence cannot be closer than 4.5 metres (14 feet 9 inches) to the nearest streetline;
  • If a rear-yard or side-yard fence is within 4.5 metres of a driveway on a adjoining lot, it must be of open-type construction to provide adequate sightlines for any vehicles existing said driveway, for the safety of passing pedestrians.
The By-law states that a "fence of open construction" means a fence constructed so that at least one third of its vertical surface area is open space, enabling motorists and pedestrians to have a clear view through such fence. (By-law 349-83).
        "Effective ground level" is defined as the mean level of the ground within a radius of 1.25 metres (49 inches) of the ground location being considered -- where the fence is located. This definition may affect the owners of those properties that have a retaining wall that raises the level of their front yard above the adjacent sidewalk. The Building Department might be able to offer some clarification as to how you decide the effective ground level of your property.
        A fence is defined as "a railing, wall, hedge, line of posts, shrubs, trees, wire, gate, boards, pickets, or other similar substances, used to enclose or divide in whole or in part a yard or other land, to establish a property boundary, or to provide privacy".

Please go to the Resources page of our website and click on the Fence By-law, or go to the City of Mississauga website and search the by-law.

Friday, 13 April 2012

Stay Out of Birchwood Park!

As mentioned in the previous post, Birchwood Park is closed for scheduled work by the City of Mississauga Community Services Department beween April and October 2012. This means that everyone is asked not to enter the park during the next few months.
          Barriers have been placed at all entrances to the park. Unfortunately, some people believe that barriers are not meant for them -- already the one on Kos Blvd was knocked over yesterday. Well, it has been set back up, and is larger and wider! Please respect the closures and the barriers. It may seem an inconvenience to you at the moment, but you will all survive the extra steps it takes to walk along the street instead of through the park. And, who knows, the exercise may benefit you in the long run.
         Please refer all questions to the Project Manager, Michael Gusche, at (905) 615-3200 ext. 5363.

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Birchwood Park Closed for Maintenance

You may have noticed that all of the entrances into Birchwood Park have been closed with fencing as of yesterday. Parks staff will be making several improvements throughout the park over the next couple of months, much of which was explained at a Public Information Centre earlier this month at Lorne Park Secondary School. The notice, mailed to every household in the community, contained a map/diagram of the proposed work:
  • topsoil will be added to specific areas at the bottom of Kentucky Hill;
  • the existing path going west from the bottom of the hill towards Clarkson Road will be rerouted to run closer to the fenceline boundary of the development property 
  • the multiuse/basketball pad will be repaved
  • a new paved walkway will be created going up the east side of Kentucky Hill, with a small paved observation pad at the top -- and a gravel path will lead down the other side towards the baseball diamonds to join up with the existing path
  • some invasive species of plants will be removed
  • some new trees will be planted
  • existing tree areas to be preserved will be fenced
  • some new edge planting will be done around preserved tree areas and along the creek
In general, the park will look great once the work has been completed. Areas were disturbed during the construction of the sewers along Lakeshore (which was routed through the park), resulting in the need for soil and pathway replacement. Unfortunately, there was some negative press surrounding this which blew it completely out of proportion. The park land is safe for use by humans and animals; it simply needed some attention, maintenance and beautification. We will be the beneficiaries.
           It is great to have a park like this in our own back yard. Please be patient and considerate. We will have our park back soon, and looking better than ever!

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Shopping Carts in the Creek

Back in the Fall (of 2011), we received information that someone had been dumping shopping carts in the creek, on the boulevards, and elsewhere in our neighbourhood. A follow-up discussion with managerial staff at the Metro in Clarkson Crossing provided the following information:

  • taking shopping carts off store property is considered theft over $200
    • it costs Metro money to retrieve them, and this drives up the price of groceries and other goods at the store 
    • if the municipality or region gets to the carts first, the carts are impounded and the grocery (or other) store has a difficult time trying to get them back -- higher prices again!
    • Metro and other stores are prepared to press charges against anyone found stealing one of their carts
    • Metro does not mind customers "borrowing" shopping carts as long as they return them to the store afterwards
We had thought that this was no longer a problem in the neighbourhood, but apparently is has resurfaced. If you do see a shopping cart in the creek or abandoned elsewhere in the area, let the store it came from know where it is and ask them to come and retrieve it. Not reporting this type of theft makes us all victims of the crime -- and means we pay more for our groceries in the end.