Monday, 28 November 2016

Ducks in the creek!

With all of the construction going on in Birch Glen Park and the creek area, it is heartening to see a pair of ducks swimming in the creek.

Update on Kos Blvd Culvert

Work is continuing on the reconstruction of the culvert on the western arm of Kos Blvd., as shown in the accompanying photos. It is messy, and part of the road is still closed. However, we are hopeful this will  improve the stability of the culvert as well as the flow of the creek.

They appear to be dredging the floor of the culvert at the moment, judging by the amount of mud there is piled on the sidewalk. As well, the ground on top of the culvert has been cleared of bush and scrub and some trees.

No word yet on the completion date, but winter is fast approaching.

Birch Glen Playground

Work has begun on the playground! The old equipment and surface have been removed. An additional play area has been created on the west side of the Pathway, and some super-looking monkey bars have been installed. At least one adult exercise station has been started. It is happening!

At the moment, the complete area has been fenced off while construction is underway. The photos show the progress. Please add your comments and any photos you may have taken as well.

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Open House Information Centre a Great Success!

Wow! Residents came out in relatively large numbers to view the information boards set up by Councillor Karen Ras and City of Mississauga staff last night in Birch Glen Park. They were able to ask questions, make comments and suggestions. And moreso, they saw the vision that the City has for multiple improvements to the park area -- its pathways, retaining walls, the children's playground and lighting.

A really big thank you to Councillor Ras for bringing this Information Open House to us, and for holding it in our neighbourhood -- in the place where the project will actually happen. Thankfully, the weather cooperated (we just wish the mosquitoes had stayed away!). 

This is a major improvement project that has been on the books for about 7 years, but was recently fast-tracked due to an infusion of Federal Infrastructure money that will see improvements for our playground and pathways, as well as the children's playground in Birchwood Paark (near the baseball diamonds and soccer pitches) and along Sheridan Creek Trail. We feel extremely fortunate that our own Birch Glen Park has been selected to receive this much needed upgrade.

Unfortunately, I forgot to take pictures last night. However, I can tell you that the pavilion set up in the park was filled with residents who were interested in knowing what was in store for the park and creek area. The last stragglers left just after 7:00 p.m., as the sun was going down. A great evenihng!

We cannot publish all of the details at this time, but will update you as information comes in. What we do know is that both the east/west and north/south pathways will be repaved, that new retaining walls will be installed along the north/south pathway from Kos Blvd. to Ithaca/Lefkas. The planter boxes in this area will be removed and replaced. And the children's playground will be replaced with modern equipment. Again, we do not have the final details. Last night's open house provided the City with a great deal of feedback.

Meanwhile, the rehabilitation of the culvert under Kos Blvd. is still happening. 

We will keep you informed as to when the work will be underway for both of these projects. And we will provide links to the project when they become available.

We would be interested in your comments on the evening and the presentation. 

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

REMEMBER! Open House Information Centre in Birch Glen Park TONIGHT!

just a reminder that the Information Centre open house on improvements to the playground and pathways of our very own Birch Glen park is happening tonight -- Tuesday, September 27, 6:00-7:00 p.m.  Please remember to show up and have your say.

In talking with residents about this, there seemed to be some confusion as to which of our parks is meant. We have two parks in the neighbourhood; the big one to the west that has the basketball pad is Birchwood Park and the smaller one in the middle of the neighbourhood (with the pathways, children's playground and bridge) is Birch Glen Park. We have attached a drawing of the location below.

So -- make your way to the centre of this map. It is easy to get to from anywhere in the neighbourhood. Or just follow the crowd!

We hope this clarifies the confusion. See you there tonight between 6:00 and 7:00 p.m. Drop by to view the panel boards and to speak with Councillor Karen Ras and City staff.

Saturday, 17 September 2016

Information Open House for Birch Glen Park Improvements

We are asking you to mark your calendars for this event:
Date:   Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Time:   6:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Place:   Birch Glen Park, by the Children's Playground and Bridge

By now, you will have received a notification from the City of Mississauga Parks Department with the above date, time and place. An open house is being held here in the neighbourhood to provide information to the residents regarding upcoming improvements to our Birch Glen Park. The City has received some infrastructure funding to make improvements to our playground, pathways, bridge, retaining walls and lighting within the park.

We are not privy to all of the details, which is why we are going to attend the Open House in the park on Tuesday, September 27. We hope that everyone will make the effort to come out to see the plans and to have discussions with City staff about these improvements.  This is your opportunity to have your say about what you think is appropriate for our neighbourhood!

We are extremely fortunate in this circumstance:  within Ward 2, there were two playgrounds and two "trails" that were chosen to receive the infrastructure funding and our neighbourhood playground and pathways make up two of the four projects. (The other playground is in Birchwood Park by the baseball diamonds; the other trail is the Sheridan Creek Trail).

This will be a substantial improvement to the park/pathway gem we have in the centre of our neighbourhood. The current playground is nearly 20 years old; the pathways were revamped around 15 years ago; and the retaining walls are the originals built in 1978.

So, show your pride in Birch Glen and indicate your interest by coming out on September 27. You don 't have to travel far to attend -- just make your way to the children's playground by the bridge over the creek.

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Road Closures due to Ontario Summer Games in August

We have just received information indicating that the Ontario Summer Games are coming to Mississauga for four days in August, from Thursday, August 11 to Sunday, August 14, 2016. You can get more information about the events, schedule, opening ceremonies, etc. at  

The part of the Games that will have an impact on residents of Clarkson involves the Road Cycling and Triathlon events, which will take place on the Friday and Saturday of that weekend, and will involve some closure along Lakeshore Rd.W., as noted below. The triathlon events will use Jack Darling Park and Rhododendron Gardens and the east bound lanes of Lakeshore Rd.W. between those two locations.  The road cycling will use Lakeside Park, Winston Churchill Blvd., Royal Windsor Drive and Avonhead Road on both Friday and Saturday.

Road Closure Information 

Friday, August 12 - Triathlon

Race begins at 10:00 am
Expect delays from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm

Saturday, August 13 - Triathlon

Race begins at 8:00 am
Expect delays from 7:30 am to 10:30 am

  • No entry/exit into Jack Darling Park before race
  • Lakeshore Rd W – east bound lanes (south half of street) closed from entrance of Jack Darling Park to Brueckner Rhododendron Gardens (Shawnmarr Rd.). Two way traffic on west bound lanes (north side)

Saturday, August 13 - Road Cycling

Race begins at 8:00 am
Expect delays from 9:00 am to 10:30 am

  • Full closure on Lakeshore Rd W from small west Parking Lot at Lakeside Park to Winston Churchill
  • Closure of north traffic on Winston Churchill from Lakeshore Rd W to Royal Windsor. Southbound traffic local only.
  • Royal Windsor – south half of street closed. Two way traffic on north side. From Winston Churchill to Avonhead Rd
  • Full closure on Avonhead Rd from Royal Windsor to Lakeshore Rd W

Thursday, 21 July 2016

Rehabilitation of Kos Blvd. Culvert over Birchwood Creek

To residents of Kos Blvd. in particular: --

You will have received a Construction Notice this week from the City of Mississauga regarding some construction work that will be undertaken starting this month and possibly lasting through the Fall and early Winter months.

The City will be rehabilitating the culvert through which the creek runs under the western section of Kos Blvd. -- by the entrance to Birchwood Park. The description of the construction work is projected to include:

  • removal and replacement of the damaged corrugated steel panels
  • reconstruction of the retaining wall
  • asphalt replacement
  • improvements to the surrounding area
The City has indicated that the project will have an impact on traffic along the west arm of Kos Blvd. Although the road will remain open to traffic at all time during the construction, residents may experience some delays.

Residents who live north of the creek on Kos Blvd. will be affected most by this construction and may want to travel east along Kos to exit.

A special note to all residents of Birch Glen from the Residents' Association:
  • parking along the west section of Kos Blvd. will certainly be affected during the construction period
  • we ask that you do not park along this stretch of the road once construction begins.  
Your cooperation in this matter will be greatly appreciated. If you have any questions or need more information,  please contact Mr. Zeljko Subic, P.Eng. at 905-615-3200 ext. 5830.

We will be keeping an eye on the project once it begins and will update you here as needs arise.

Steampunk Invasion: Through the Looking Glass -- July 24

Are you a fan of Alice in Wonderland or Alice Through the Looking Glass? Would you like to experience a trip through the looking glass into the Victorian Era -- along with two sisters who actually lived at Benares Historic House?

Well, here's your chance! Come out to Benares at 1507 Clarkson Rd. N., Mississauga on Sunday, July 24 at noon for a fun afternoon of games, crafts, vendors, performances and live music. 

Don't be afraid of the term "steampunk".  Steampunk can be considered an inspired movement of creativity and imagination. With a backdrop of either Victorian England or America’s Wild West at hand, modern technologies are re-imagined and realized as elaborate works of art, fashion, and mechanics. If Jules Verne or H.G. Wells were writing their science fiction today, it would be considered “steampunk.”

So, with that in mind, pack up the kids and head to Benares for an interesting experience. See you there!

Steampunk Invasion

Through the Looking Glass

Sunday, July 24, 2016 -
12:00pm to 4:00pm
It’s 1892 and Annie and Naomi Harris have stepped through the looking glass and emerged in a new steampunk reality. Join them for an afternoon of games, crafts, vendors, peculiar performances and live music.

Thursday, 7 July 2016

On the Verandah Summer Concerts at Benares Historic House

It is time for the "On the Verandah Summer Concerts"  at Benares Historic House, 1507 Clarkson Road N. in Clarkson. These concerts are hosted by the Friends of the Museums

The concerts take place every Friday night during the summer months of June, July and August and are held on the lawn (in front of the verandah) of our own historic house and museum. Although the concerts are open to anyone who wants to attend, they are "Pay-What-You-Can", with a suggested donation of $10.

We are a bit late in posting the scheduled concerts (we missed all of June), so we will start with the July offerings:

  • July 1      Jazz Plazma
  • July 8      Age of Reason
  • July 15    The OCTOKATS
  • July 22    Rob Tardik
  • July 27    Cooper and Maciag
  • Aug 5      Laura Fernandez
  • Aug 12    Quantum Brass
  • Aug 19    Tala — South Asian Music Night
  • Aug 26    Burlington Welsh Male Chorus
The concerts are a regular summer happening in Clarkson and are well worth the outing. On your own, on a date, with friends or with the whole family, try to attend at least one of these concerts this summer. Who knows ... it could become a regular weekly outing! 

Support the Friends of the Museums and let them know you are interested in more events of this sort. You could also search them out on Facebook! Or check out the brochure at

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Yard Waste Update

As of the beginning of July, yard waste collection has changed to bi-weekly pickup. Yard waste will still be collected on Mondays, but only every second week -- on recycling days -- during July, August and September.  To refresh your memory on what will be picked up when, visit and click on "When Does It Go?" and type in your address.

Weekly yard waste collection will resume after Thanksgiving.

Green Bin, Blue & Garbage Receptacle Take Back Event in Peel!

Do you still have your "old" green bin cluttering up your garage or yard? The Region of Peel will hold a series of "Take Back Events" throughout the region in July and August at which residents will be able to bring their unwanted old (small) green bins and blue bins. 

Ward 2 residents can bring their old bins to the Lakeview Water Trestment Facility, 920 East Ave., Mississauga on Saturday, July 23, 2016, 8:00 a.m. to 1;00 p.m.

For details on which containers are accepted at this event, visit This link will also provice information on additional dates and sites for return of unwanted bins. 

However, if you wish to keep your old blue and green bins for use around the yard, the Region has these ideas for re-using the containers:
  • Use your old green bin to store pet food, bird seed, barbeque charcoal, sand or sidewalk salt.
    • (Editor's note: I would not recommend this use -- the bin covers always leaked during a rainstorm and allowed rainwater to seep into the bins. I would be concerned about moisture getting in and spoiling any of the above suggestions)!
  • Use your old blue box or grey box to:
    • Hold recyclables before putting them in your recycling cart.
    • Hold yard waste for setting on the curb. A blue/grey box must be clearly labelled with a yard waste sticker or “Yard Waste” clearly written in paint or permanent marker.
    • Store items around your home or in your shed or garage.

Sunday, 28 February 2016

Battery Collection

The Region of Peel is collecting single-use household batteries from the curb in March and November. Our first Battery Pickup Day is Monday, March 21, 2016

Gather your A, AA, AAA, C, D, 9 volt and button cell batteries. Residents with curbside collection will receive a battery collection bag in the mail the first week of March. Put your batteries in the bag and seal it. You can also put your batteries in a regular zip-locked bag. Learn more about battery collection by watching this video or reading this page.

Yard Waste Collection starts in March

With Spring around the corner, the Region of Peel begins weekly Yard Waste collection the week of March 14, 2016. Our collection day in Clarkson/Lorne Park is Monday -- that means our first YW pickup is on Monday, March 14, 2016.

Of Note: -- Shredded paper can be disposed of with your yard waste!

Sunday, 7 February 2016

Changes to Waste/Recycling Collection Schedule Now in Effect

As of the beginning of January 2016, the proposed changes to the weekly garbage and recycling schedule are now in effect.

The changes are as follows:

We are now using the new waste, recycling and organics bins that were delivered in December. Each bin you received has a special code that is printed on the side indicating your address.

You selected either small, medium or large waste and recycling bins. If you have discovered that the size you chose is either too small or too large for the amount you put out every two weeks, you may contact the Region of Peel Wasteline by phone or through their website to change to a different size.

  • Carts cannot be exchanged until April 1, 2016.
  • From April 1 to April 30, 2016, cart exchanges are FREE
  •  Starting May 1, 2016, an exchange fee of $25 per cart will apply (covers the cost to pick up and clean your carts and deliver and register new ones
What about the old blue bins and organics bins we used before? Go to for more information.